How much costs landscaping ?
Landscaping is something that every home needs. It brings out the color of your house and defines your property in a way that says something about you and your family. Landscaping looks like an easy task when you watch how it is done; however, it can be extremely complicated as landscaping is difficult to remove and correct once it has been completed. Obtaining an estimate from a landscaper is recommended prior to diving into any landscaping project.
When speaking of landscaping, there are several things that it encompasses. First, all vegetation on the exterior of your residence is included. This includes flowers, bushes, shrubs, and even your grass. The ground itself is also considered part of landscaping as you may want to level certain areas of your property or build up hills to give your property some dimension. Pavers and stones is the final portion of your landscaping project and includes everything from paved driveways to brick planters.
Vegetation Costs.
Vegetation costs cannot be simply stated. That is because the price of vegetation varies so greatly depending on the species that you choose. For instance, a normal Hibiscus tree will cost you approximately $50; however, a Japanese Maple will run you up to $750. The prices contained herein are for average size vegetation most commonly used for landscaping projects. Prices may vary depending on the type of vegetation purchased and the age of the vegetation (mature trees cost more than small trees).
- Trees and Shrubs : when looking at the cost for trees in shrubs, you will be paying for the vegetation itself as well as the labor to plant it. While most trees and shrubs will be installed by your landscaper by shovel, they made need to use heavy equipment if you are planting larger vegetation (e.g., mature trees). For trees and shrubs, plan on spending approximately $150 to $600 per tree and approximately $75 to $300 for each shrub.
- Flower Beds : flower bed prices also vary depending on the type of flower purchased; however, the majority of pricing involves the building of the box itself. Most are made from wood and are pre-fabricated by a manufacturer and then installed on site. A flower bed will run you approximately $30 to $120 per square foot which includes the price of installation, fill dirt, and average priced flowers.
- Grass : there are a number of different ways to plant grass. A common way used to be spreading grass seed by hand and then watching the birds come along and eat it. That is why most landscapers now choose to hydro seed your ground. Hydro seed involves spraying on seed that is covered in fertilizer. It looks like blue or green paint and birds will not eat it so you have more likelihood of the grass taking. Hydro seed will run you approximately $0.10 to $0.30 per square foot. In comparison, this is approximately $4,300 to $12,600 per acre. The more area that you want seeded, the less “per square foot” price you will pay.
Ground Costs.
When you think about leveling out your property, the only thing you will be paying for is labor and possible dirt removal. A contractor will normally use a bulldozer or a smaller bobcat type vehicle to move mounds of dirt prior to rolling it flat. When you consider the price of leveling ground, you will be paying by the hour. Plan on spending approximately $225 to $450 per hour for this type of work. Keep in mind that this price not only factors in the cost of labor, but also for cost to operate and maintain the heavy machinery needed to do this type of project.
If you plan on changing your landscape by adding hills, you will be paying the same approximate price as above. However, you will also need to pay to bring in fill dirt to make the hills. A load of dirt will cost approximately $37 per yard with an average size dump truck costing you approximately $225 to $300.
Paver and Stone Costs.
Many people are moving into pavers as opposed to wooden porches or cement patios. Pavers look more rustic and can give your landscaping that outdoor feel. Pavers come in many different shapes and sizes and will require your contractor to pack fill dirt underneath prior to laying them. This will ensure that your pavers stay level and do not become uneven further down the road. Paver costs will depend on the type of paver that you use, but plan on spending approximately $12 to $30 per square foot which includes the price of the pavers, installation, and fill dirt to complete the project.
Additional Price Considerations.
There are many additional items that you can add to your landscaping and the cost of each will depend on the location you want them installed and the going rate for the materials at the time of purchase. Some of these items include water falls, bird baths, large rocks, window flower boxes, etc. These are vanity items that are not used by everyone but can provide your home with a little personal touch. Ask your contractor about these items when you receive a quote for other landscaping work.
Consider doing similar projects at the same time. For instance, do not level one part of your yard to plant trees and then call your contractor to do the same in a couple of months to another part of your property. Doing similar jobs at the same time will save you a ton of money in the long run.
This cannot be stressed enough and your landscaper will know to do this, but you must call your local utility company to locate any underground utilities prior to starting any landscaping. This is a free service and will not only save you money from having to replace the underground utility, it could also save a life. Do not rely on your landscaper to do this. Verify that they have made the call to the utility company and ensure that the ground has been marked prior to allowing them to perform any work on your property.
To get a better idea of costs, here are some landscaping estimates from professionals.
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